Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update July 9, 2007

On Tuesday I went to the hospital to visit Cade. Before I arrived Esau had told me that she had been moved to another section in the hospital. When I walked into the area where she was at I felt a very strong spirit of death which filled that place. There were people (all women as it was a place for women only) laying on mats on the floor. It looked as though they were only but a pile of bones laying underneath a thin sheet. It looked like a place where they put people to die.

At the end of the hallway in this section was my friend Cade sitting on a mattress. As I approached her so began to cry. Lisa, who came with me this time, hugged her as we loved on her together and encouraged her. We stayed as long as we could until we had to leave because visiting hours were over. Before leaving we prayed over Cade and her Mom (who was staying with her in the hospital).

That night Cade began to move her arm. Since Tuesday Esau has taken Cade out of the hospital as that was no place for his wife to be. On Thursday he signed a declaration for the hospital that he was going to seek spiritual help - Doctor Jesus. Cade is staying with her family in a missions house that he church has until she fully recovers.

As of today she has movement in her left arm, but very weak and some movement in her left leg. Her left foot is completely paralyzed still and she still has difficulties with her heart as it keeps beating very hard. She is still not able to nurse Pricilla.

When I visited her today she did not mention if she had any convulsions today, but I know that she did have them on Friday, but not Saturday. Each time I have gone to the house to visit her praise and worship has been playing and people who love and care for her surrounding her with love.

Esau and the rest of her family are very happy to have her back close to them again, but the battle is not over as there is still more to go until she is completely restored. Please continue to hold them up in prayer.

In His Peace and Joy,

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Update July 3, 2007

The following text is an update on my friend Cade. It is from a conversation I had with my Mom via SMS messaging.

"I just called Esau, Cade’s husband and spoke with him regarding Cade’s current situation. Yesterday she was not doing so well so today he was going to go to the hospital early in the morning, but when he woke up his mother-in-law called and said that Cade was doing a lot better so someone only needed to go to the hospital in the afternoon. But around 1:00ish she had another convulsion attack and was crying out ‘help me Jesus, help me Momma’. Esau said that when he heard the news this morning that she was better he was so happy, but when he heard this afternoon about the attack his heart was hurt until he was about crying.

Esau said that Joel is doing much better (remember this is their son who was ill). He is just a bit weak because of getting over the illness, but thanks to Jesus he is doing better. Tomorrow Esau has to look for someone to take care of Pricilla for them as she cannot stay in the hospital anymore. Cade is not able to nurse her because when she has tried her heart starts beating/racing really hard.

Esau knows it is an attack of the enemy and says he will not waver in his faith. He was very thankful that I sent out the prayer request to my family and friends. We are going to take Claudia out to eat tomorrow as a going away dinner, but I am going to see if we can stop at the hospital and visit Cade as I really miss her and want to see her. We will be in town so I don't see why we can't and I know it would really bless her. If I were to say that I had a best friend (Mozambiquen) here in Mozambique, it would be Cade. She has always been a delight to be with and a person who speaks forth truth.

Esau told me today that the doctor that is working with Cade now is looking for a doctor that knows more about her situation and works with people who are paralyzed. They took a urine test today for some reason, but the test results have not come back yet. He also told me that the doctors were telling him that he needed to take her to the witchdoctors as that was her only hope for an illness like this.

Dad and Momma says: we know that is a lie from the pit of hell. Our God is an awesome God who heals! This will be a testimony to that fact.

It is definitely a fight, but I told him that I was not giving up. I have felt that someone(s) needs to read Scripture to her which will encourage her spirit, as well as declare God's goodness over her life. All Cade keeps asking for is prayer. Esau really witnessed to this idea and so he is going to tell people to do this when they go and visit her in the hospital. Also, I told him that I wish we could surround her with worship and he said that he felt this very much too so today when he visited her he prayed with her and they worshiped together. What a beautiful thing. It is beautiful to see a Mozambiquen man who really loves and treasures his wife."

Thanks so much to each of you that are standing with us, unwavering in faith for Cade’s total restoration. She is young and has many years of good life in front of her. We need her here in Mozambique to declare God’s kingdom in this promise land. A big thank you from the deepest parts of my heart and from Cade’s family as they know you are praying. Remember God’s promise in Exodus 15:26 "...for I am the Lord who heals you.” Cade's healing/health has already been paid for through Jesus….His blood was and is enough!!

For His Glory!!!

Update addon

Just talked with Ashlee. Cade's son has been taken to the hospital. They believe he may have Malaria. He has been given medicine but has not improve but gotten worse and are trying other medicines.

Please hold this family up. They really needs God's strength through all of this.


Update June 29 2007

Dear Family and Friends,

Grace to you! My God is an awesome God! This letter comes to you filled with faith and a request for prayer. I am asking for God’s children – His Warrior Bride – to stand with me for my very good friend Cade. Many of you may remember me talking/writing to you about her. I love her and her family very deeply. She is a very precious person who loves Jesus so much and truly illuminates Jesus. I just got back from visiting her in the hospital as she is contending with something very serious and it is for this reason that I am writing to you this evening.

Good news is that Cade (and her husband Esau) gave birth to her second child on June 20. She now has a beautiful baby girl named Pricilla. I got to visit Cade the day that she gave birth to Pricilla and she was doing very well and full of joy. Everything went well until yesterday morning.

Cade woke up with a severe headache and had called for her sister-in-law Ceu (means Heaven in English) to come help with the children while she went to the hospital, but before she could even leave her left leg stopped working and she could not walk on it. They some how got her to the hospital by using a motorbike, but when she got to the hospital and got off of the bike she fell to the ground in convulsions. Ceu said that a crowd was all around Cade and she could not even look at her because all she could do was cry. The hospital took her in and gave her some meds, but said that she needed to be transferred to the Central Hospital of Beira.

Cade had more than one episode of convulsions which were very hard on her body. Esau (her husband) called me in the morning right after this happened in Dondo, but unfortunately I was on my way to Beira to do a few errands in the early morning and so could not go to the hospital to see her (I did not know exactly what happened, but new she “was sick”). When I got back to Dondo Esau called to let me know Cade was going to Beira so I was not able to see her yesterday.

I knew in my spirit that something serious was happening with her before I even heard the news. I was told what happened later on in the day by one of her sisters. Today I went with two of Cade’s sisters and Ceu to visit her in the hospital in Beira. When we walked in her room at the hospital it was difficult at first to see her like she was but I just took her by the hand and began to speak life to her.

She cried and said “Mana Ashlee please pray for me”. We gathered around her and prayed for her, declaring God’s promise of healing and health over her body and His peace to overpass her. She is not able to move her left arm or leg, but she can feel when people touch her. She can move her fingers on her left hand, but that is it. Her headache is gone and she has not had anymore convulsions/seizures today. She said that yesterday she would get extreme tension in her head and then the convulsions/seizures would begin.

She has not been able to nurse Pricilla yesterday or today, but thankfully Esau was able to get milk for her today and so Pricilla was able to eat. I can’t say how much I love this family. Jesus’ heart is so big for this family and His love and grace are sufficient. My natural mind would want to tell me there is no hope and think of what is happening to my precious friend Cade, but I am fighting with her in this spiritual battle and we have and will win because Jesus’ blood was too precious to be spilt for nothing….His blood and strips already paid for this so Cade does not need to carry or contend with it.

Please stand with me for my friend Cade’s life. She has two children, Pricilla and Joel (her son who is about 6). I have attached a picture of Cade and me so that you can put a face to her name. She is Chico’s sister for those who remember me speaking about Chico. The picture was taken before I left to visit America in November.

God bless you and THANK YOU!!!