Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wed, 6 Jul 2005

Thank you so much for your prayers. I am much better. After about four days I'm up on my feet again. It was a strange time. There were others that were sick. A strange feeling in the room with many having strange dreams and nightmares. Many prayers were said over the room along with anointing everything. The sickness, dreams and strange feeling has lifted.

Another member of the school and I walked through the village today. We met a woman that he had met before and went to her house. Zak had prayed for the woman's child when he was here last. Today we found she had just lost her little baby from Malaria. She also had Malaria and was really sick. She was grief stricken from the death of her child. We were able to pray with her and offer comfort. She does know Jesus. (Please hold Zak in prayer. He is having a hard time dealing with the lost of this child after he had prayed.)

We stop for the one. We were invited into a little house with just dirt walls and grass roof. We prayed with the woman of the house. She had accepted Jesus before and wanted us to teach her more. When we were to leave she crumpled to the floor in tears. She didn't want us to leave she wanted to hear more. They are so hungry to learn of Jesus here.

One of the students at the school from England has been wanting to do film clips of the ministry and village. I have been asked to help him. On Tuesday we will be going into the village and talking with the children and people on the streets. We bought some candy as a special treat for the children.

The children are so happy here. The boys racing through the buildings playing tag; the girls singing and playing. They had gotten into something that looked like concrete and had it all over themselves. The laugh and laugh. Such simplicity, such joy in the children. Big beautiful eyes shining up at you with such love.

One of the main things I have been learning here is that it is all wrapped around love. Loving the people with the love of Christ. Stopping for the one and loving them.

Again, thank you for your prayers,



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